Introducing oneself: • My name’s Peter. What’s your name? • I’m from Seattle. Where are you from? Closing a conversation: • Nice talking to you. • (I’m sorry, but) I have to go now. • Good-bye/Bye/See you later/See you tomorrow!/See ya (informal)/ Catch you later! • Have a nice day/evening/weekend! 32. Work in pairs. Student 1 is a famous host of an online program on medicine – Dr Bobby Lazarra. In a special launch of your program you are interviewing a famous doctor, focusing on his/her personal life, hobbies and general interests. You may use the following questions and add a few of your own: - Good afternoon. I’d like to start the interview with basic questions about your childhood. Where do you come from? - What do you think your biggest achievement is? - Who inspired you when you were a child? Who inspires you now? - When did you feel interested in medicine? Why? - Do you have any favourite actors/films/books/writers? - What will be the next step in your career? - What is your biggest challenge? - What will you do when you retire? - Thank you very much for your interview. Can you give any advice for our audience how to succeed in work? Student 2 plays the role of a celebrity – a famous doctor John Sturgess/ Mary Carter (choose the specialty or the field, for example gastroenterology, cardiosurgery, genetics etc.). Prepare the answers to the questions of the interviewer, for example: - I come from an international family. My parents lived in Poland and then they moved to Germany… - My biggest achievement is my laboratory where we work on new medicines.