133 UNIT III MY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE You will learn to speak about your plans for the future, use different ways to express future actions at a more advanced level. You will do some exercises to improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. 1. Memorize the following words and expressions: 1) a first-year student – студент-первокурсник 2) a surgeon – хирург 3) to look up to sb – уважать кого-л. 4) it runs in the family – это семейное 5) responsible – ответственный 6) to graduate from ... – окончить (высшее учебное заведение) 7) to get a good salary – получать хорошее жалование 8) to apply for ... – подать заявление 9) a postgraduate course – аспирантура 10) to do research – проводить исследование 11) to look forward to sth/doing sth – с нетерпением ждать чего-л. 12) to get good qualifications – получить хорошую квалификацию 13) to support a family – содержать семью 14) to travel – путешествовать 15) to enjoy doing sth – нравиться делать что-л. 16) to communicate with sb – общаться с кем-л. 17) to do one’s best – стараться 2. Read and translate the text. MY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE I am a first-year student now. I’m studying medicine at medical academy. I’m going to be a surgeon like my father who is a brilliant surgeon. I have always looked up to him. My grandfather was a surgeon too, so you can say that it runs in the family. I know that it’s a very difficult and responsible job and I’m going to study really hard to become a good surgeon. I hope that after I graduate I will be able to work at a good hospital or clinic and get a good salary. I am going to apply for a postgraduate course and do research in the field of cardiosurgery.
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