149 Unit IV IZHEVSK STATE MEDICAL ACADEMY You will learn to speak about Izhevsk State Medical Academy and use some grammar constructions (there + to be, the Passive Voice) and numerals at a more advanced level. You will do some excersices to improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. 1. Learn the following words and word combinations: 1) to study at medical academy – учиться в медицинской академии 2) а higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение 3) to head a faculty – возглавлять факультет 4) the Faculty of General Medicine – лечебный факультет 5) the Faculty of Paediatrics – педиатрический факультет 6) the Faculty of Dentistry – стоматологический факультет 7) the Faculty of Advanced Studies for Doctors – факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки 8) the Faculty of Pre-academic Training – факультет довузовской подготовки 9) a department – кафедра 10) a teaching hospital – базовая больница медицинского вуза 11) a hall of residence – общежитие 12) to do/carry out research – проводить исследование 13) an applicant – абитуриент 14) а faculty member – преподаватель в штате 15) undergraduate education – основное обучение в вузе 16) postgraduate training – последипломное обучение 17) а scientific degree – научная степень 18) a full-time student – студент дневного отделения 19) a part-time student – студент вечернего отделения 2. Read and translate the text. IZHEVSK STATE MEDICAL ACADEMY Izhevsk State Medical Academy is a higher educational institution which provides medical training for all citizens of Russia and foreigners as well. It