172 UNIT V PROMINENT DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS You will learn to speak about prominent doctors and scientists, use the Past Perfect tense and degrees of comparison at a more advanced level. You will do some exercises to improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. 1. Memorize the following words and expressions: 1) prominent/outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый, известный 2) incredible – невероятный 3) to be fluent in … – свободно/бегло говорить на (каком-л. языке) 4) to get into ... – поступить (в учебное заведение) 5) to graduate with honours – окончить с отличием (учебное заведение) 6) to defend one’s doctoral thesis – защитить диссертацию 7) to head – возглавить 8) to return – возвращать(ся) 9) in many respects – во многих отношениях 10) to operate on sb/sth – оперировать кого-л./что-л. 11) field surgery – военно-полевая хирургия 12) to perform surgery/an operation – проводить операцию 13) a physician – врач 14) an abdomen – брюшная полость 15) a bullet wound – пулевое ранение 16) a plaster cast – гипсовая повязка 17) unprecedented – беспрецедентный, беспримерный 18) to avoid – избегать 2. Read the text. AWORLD-FAMOUS RUSSIAN SURGEON Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov was one of the most prominent and outstanding Russian surgeons and scientists. His life story was incredible. Pirogov was born in Moscow in 1810. Nikolay was a gifted and intelligent child, he learned to read early and was fluent in foreign languages. At 14 he got into Moscow State University, the Faculty of Medicine. At 18 he