17 - on their own – самостоятельно - acceptable age – приемлимый возраст - to be cautious – быть осторожным - break-down – (зд.) развод - to get divorced – развестись - single parent – родитель-одиночка В) Прослушайте следующий разговор и ответьте на вопросы. Вы услышите разговор дважды. 1) What are they talking about? What is the topic? 2) What problem do British families face now? 3) What does “a single parent family” mean? 4) What according to the survey makes people happy? 24. Writing. Хотели бы Вы, чтобы у Вас был друг по переписке? Посмотрите на отрывок из письма студента, изучающего английский язык, которое он написал своему другу по переписке. В нем 11 ошибок. Найдите их и исправьте (первая уже найдена и исправлена за Вас). Dear Sonya, Thank you for your very interesting letter. I is AM very pleased to be your penfriend. Are you really have a swimming pool in the garden? It sound wonderful. As you know from my avdertisement, I have 17 years old and came from Milan in Italy. I’ve got two sisters, Maria and Sylvia, and they is both older than me. My father own a small paper factory, but my mother don’t work. We living in a house just outside the city. I enjoying playing football and I am like science-fiction films. 25. Изучите структуру письма другу: 5 th August – дата Hello Tania, – приветствие I read your advertisement on the pen pals site and decided to write you a letter. – ссылка на объявление/предыдущий контакт и т.д. I’m 17 years old and I attend the secondary school here in Gdansk. My family isn’t big. I have a sister – she is younger than me and I spend quite a lot of time helping her with her homework. My parents work a lot. My father is a businessman and my mother is a doctor. We have a dog called Barry and two cats – Laura and Bobby. You imagine what a