31 3 p.m. – Second afternoon lecture. They don’t waste any time – we were guided on the best way to take a sexual history from a patient. 4 p.m. – End of classes. 5 p.m. – Arrive home. Time for me to eat and catch up on some news online. Also time to return calls from family and friends. 6 p.m . – Studying. Reviewing today’s material. 7 p.m. – Gym time. 8.30 p.m. – Home. Time to shower, eat, and relax. 9 p.m. – More studying. I usually like to review tomorrow’s material for class during this time, but tomorrow we have a microbiology lab quiz, so that’s topping tonight’s agenda. 11.30 p.m. to 12 a.m. – Bedtime! Medical schools can be a really busy time in your life. However, most people find a work/life/fun balance that makes it manageable – and sometimes even fun! (Abridged from A Day in the Life of a First Year Medical Student ) 1) What does he do in the morning before going to class? 2) How does he get to school? 3) How many lectures does he have before lunch? What are they about? 4) What does he do during a lunch break? 5) What lectures does he have in the afternoon? 6) What does he do when he gets home? 7) Is your day as busy as his? 15. Listening. Recording 1. Larks and Owls (Жаворонки и совы) А) Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и выражения. Они помогут Вам лучше понять диалог. -- “larks” – «жаворонки» -- “owls” or “night-owls” – «совы» -- on average – в среднем -- a body clock – биологические часы -- tiredness – усталость -- to be alert – быть на чеку, бдительным (бодрствовать) -- to get up at dawn – вставать на рассвете -- to fall asleep at dusk – засыпать в сумерки
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