53 c) university, academy, college, chemist’s shop d) professor, rector, dean, student e) computer, Вiology, Аnatomy, Latin f) hospital, academy, department, medical school g) live, learn, study, master (clinical subjects) 5. Дайте определения следующим объяснениям: a) a person who studies medicine at a university b) a person who heads a faculty c) a unit of a university which is headed by a dean d) a building where students can live in while they are studying at academy e) a person whose job is to treat people who are ill f) a hospital where students are delivered lectures g) a person who heads a university 6. Ответьте на вопросы: 1) When was Izhevsk State Medical Academy founded? 2) How many faculties were there in 1933? 3) How many faculties are there now? 4) How many students study at ISMA? 5) How many departments are there? 6) Where can medical students live? 7) Who is the head of your academy (faculty)? 8) What do you know about the staff of your medical academy? 9) Is the library of your academy rich or poor in textbooks and medical journals? 10) What subjects do the first-year students study? Grammar tips: There + to be Если Вы хотите высказаться о наличии чего-л. где-л., то в англий- ском языке используется оборот there + to be . + – ? Present Simple There is/are ... There isn’t/ aren’t ... Is there …? Are there ….? Past Simple There was/were ... There wasn’t/ weren’t ... Was there ….? Were there ….? Future Simple There will be ... There won’t be ... Will there be …..?
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