56 My children are examined by this paediatrician. – Моих детей осма- тривает этот педиатр. A textbook was left in the reading room. – Учебник оставили в чи- тальном зале. Our medical academy is called Izhevsk State Medical Academy. – Наша медицинская академия называется Ижевская Государственная Медицинская Академия. We will be delivered lectures on Physics next month. – Нам будут чи- тать лекции по физике в следующем месяце. Примечание: Если мы хотим уточнить, кто совершает действие, тогда ис- пользуется предлог by , например: These lectures are delivered by Professor Green. – Эти лекции читает профес- сор Грин. Если же нас интересует, чем совершается действие, мы используем пред- лог with , например: Injections are given with a syringe. – Уколы ставят шприцом. 10. Прочитайте следующие предложения и скажите какие из них даны в страдательном залоге. 1) Lectures on Chemistry are given every Friday. 2) Professor Smith heads the Department of Biology. 3) Future children’s doctors study at the Faculty of Paediatrics. 4) Students will be provided with new textbooks. 5) The Faculty of General Medicine was founded in 1933. 6) I was doing homework at 6 p.m. yesterday. 7) I think my report will be published in the medical journal. 8) We borrow medical textbooks from our library. 9) I was not asked during the last seminar. 10) I was born in March, 1988. 11. Поставьте предложения в прошедшее и будущее время: Например : Now students are taught in classrooms, laboratories, dissecting rooms, and via the Internet. Some years ago students were not taught via the Internet. I think in the future all students will be taught via the Internet. 1) The medical students are always shown how to carry out experiments during laboratory classes. 2) The faculty is headed by Professor Ivanov.