61 - I’m Anton. What faculty are you at? - The Faculty of Economics, and you? - The Faculty of General Medicine. 2. - When was Izhevsk State Medical Academy founded? - It was founded in 1933 but at first it was called “institute” and in 1985 it was renamed “academy”. - Sorry? When was it founded? - In 1933. - How many faculties are there in it? - There are three faculties for students, one for applicants and one for doctors. In general there are 5 faculties. - Oh, I see. But could you speak a bit slower, please. - Sure. Are you a first-year student? - Yes, I am a student at Udmurt State University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences. - Pardon? What faculty? I didn’t quite catch it. - The Faculty of Natural Sciences. We study Chemistry and Biology there. 19. Работа в парах. Составьте диалог между студентами разных вузов. Используйте лексику и грамматику раздела. 20. Прочитайте резюме (Curriculum Vitae – CV). Вы собираетесь проходить медицинскую практику в одной из англоговорящих стран. Напишите кратко о себе, используя схему резюме. Personal Information Name: Nikolay Pletnev Date of birth: 21.03.80 Nationality: Russian Address: Apt. 5, 28 Pushkinskaya str., Izhevsk 426000, Udmurtia, Russia Telephone: (mobile) +79129999999 E-mail: pletnev@mail.ru Education/Qualifications 1987 – 1997: Secondary school No 30 (Izhevsk, Udmurtia) High School Diploma (Distinction) 1997 – 2003: Izhevsk State Medical Academy, the Faculty of General Medicine (Izhevsk, Udmurtia) Specialist Degree in Medicine
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