62 Experience 2004 – present: Republican Clinical Hospital (Izhevsk), Surgical department. Position: a surgeon Other skills I have a working knowledge of English (FCE level). I have a driving license and I am computer literate. Personal Interests: Football, hiking, computer 21. Speaking. Подготовьте краткий рассказ об Ижевской меди- цинской академии. Не забудьте упомянуть о следующем: – история академии – факультеты – сотрудники академии – условия проживания студентов 22. Additional reading. Прочитайте тексты о двух первокурсни- ках, обучающихся в разных колледжах, и ответьте на вопросы. John: I always thought I wanted to study medicine, but the college I wanted to go to had only twenty places and I didn’t get a place. That was disappointing and I even thought I may take a year out, but then I had the second thought about my choice of subject and went for nursing. I’m now at Sheffield Hallam college, which is linked to a variety of hospitals and isn’t too far away from home – though far enough for me to be inde- pendent. People who had gone there told me that it was really good and the tutors had time for you. The course is brilliant and there is a friendly campus atmosphere. Jane: Psychology was always my choice of degree subject. I studied it at school and soon realized that it was what I wanted to do at university. My parents tried hard, but failed to make me change my mind − they said I was making the wrong choice and I wouldn’t be able to make a living. But I love it. I’m interested in social psychology, how people in- teract – it’s fascinating, and I know I’ll be able to find the work easily. I’m at Coventry University, living in а hall of residence, which is very convenient. Coventry is really student-oriented and the teachers are very friendly. And my brother lives only twenty minutes away, so I see him often.