96 Good food is a high priority with me, because I need a lot of energy. I really enjoy Japanese food but it’s not cheap in our city and it’s easy to run out of money if you eat out very often. I am trying to save up – I want to buy a new camera. I have a superb collection of various music styles on CDs and on my computer because I just adore listening to music. In my spare time I enjoy watching films – I prefer Hollywood comedies. I spend a lot of time reading too, but now I read mostly textbooks – I have a tight schedule at academy and need to keep up with my studies. I go to a gym too. Sometimes at weekends I feel like going clubbing. I adore going out with my friends and doing some people-watching. If the weather is bad I surf the Net at home, watch TV or clean my room. On the whole, my life is pretty busy but I feel great – I can’t stand monotony. 3. Find equivalents for the following Russian phrases in the text: дружная семья для меня очень важно напряженный график успевать в учебе быть похожим на своего отца гулять с друзьями черты (характера) свободное время что касается моих личных качеств сидеть в Интернете ходить в клубы наблюдать за людьми 4. Answer the questions: 1) How old is Anna? 2) What does she look like? 3) What is she like? 4) Who does she take after? 5) What kind of family are they? 6) What kind of food does she like? 7) What does she like doing? 8) How does she spend her spare time?
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