70 Present tenses II. 1 – has just asked; 2 – produce; 3 – has been complaining; 4 – have been performing; 5 – are working; 6 – destroy; 7 – think; 8 – has been working; 9 – has given; 10 – am participating. III. 1 – have shown; 2 – has been investigating; 3 – is; 4 – have known; 5 – is doing; 6 – uses; 7 – has already operated; 8 – has been suffering; 9 – are you taking; 10 – have been performing. IV. 1 – defines; 2 – has saved; 3 – is investigating; 4 – is; 5 – are becoming; 6 – have been discussing; 7 – occur; 8 – produces; 9 – have been falling; 10 – has eradicated. V. 1 – have been investigating; 2 – is having; 3 – have known; 4 – has published; 5 – has been using; 6 – is taking; 7 – follows; 8 – have not found; 9 – are; 10 – remain. VI. Suggested answers: 1 – The doctors are discussing new methods of treatment of this disease now. 2 – The physician has been examining the patient for fifteen minutes. 3 – Have you ever had hepatitis or jaundice?. 4 – The nurse has just measured the patient’s blood pressure. 5 – The patient takes medicine two times a day. 6 – He has been taking his medicine since Monday. 7 – The surgeon has just operated on a patient for acute appendicitis. 8 – I think he works in this hospital. 9 – The symptoms of a cold usually develop within a few days of becoming infected. 10 – The scientists have tested a new vaccine for influenza. Past tenses II. 1 – was giving; 2 – had been waiting; 3 – examined/applied; 4 – was consulting; 5 – had been suffering; 6 – had fallen; 7 – diagnosed; 8 – had been; 9 – entered/was trying; 10 – had been complaining. III. 1 – had broken; 2 – noted; 3 – had been suffering; 4 – had had; 5 – had been receiving; 6 – revealed; 7 – had been experiencing; 8 – was giving/called; 9 – had published; 10 – determined. IV. 1 – confirmed; 2 – had been coughing; 3 – received/didn’t help; 4 – revealed; 5 – had become; 6 – presented; 7 – was receiving; 8 – had been treating; 9 – had dropped; 10 – were. V. 1 – had been delivering; 2 – contained; 3 – had had; 4 – prescribed; 5 – had been examining; 6 – had reduced; 7 – were … doing/noticed; 8 – hadn’t received; 9 – presented/had had; 10 – was palpating. VI. Suggested answers: 1 – At 10 o’clock in the morning he was undergoing a course of physiotherapy. 2 – I presented to a doctor with chest pains. 3 – The patient said he had lost 10 kilos in weight. 4 – When did you first notice the pain? 5 – What were you doing before you passed out? 6 –An ultrasound scan of the abdomen revealed a small right renal tumor. 7 – By 11 o’clock the surgeon had already been operating on the patient’s heart for two hours. 8 – 24‑year-old female patient complained of a bad cough which she had already had for two weeks. 9 –When she got to the hospital, surgeons were operating on her child. 10 – He caught a cold after he had skated.