7 4. The most serious complication of (-) mononucleosis is the rupture of the spleen. 5. The first permanent tooth generally makes its appearance between the years of 6 and 7. 6. There is a patient waiting for (-) Dr. Davidson in the reception. 7. If you have a toothache/ ( - ) toothache, you should make an appointment with your dentist. 8. (-) Sinus infections sometimes occur after you’ve had a cold. 9. For mild cases of ( - ) diverticulitis, your doctor may prescribe ( - ) antibiotics. 10. Thousands of people were killed by the plague. II. Circle the correct word. 1. Jane had to leave for home because she had a headache/the headache . 2. A high-fiber diet is best/the best way to prevent constipation. 3. Rehabilitation/A rehabilitation can begin right after the stroke is over and your condition is stable. 4. The most dramatic/Most dramatic increase in the rate of caries was observed in the Great Britain/Great Britain during the second/second part of the 19th century. 5. The red blood cells/Red blood cells you have are normal in size. 6. The haemoglobin/Haemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen / the oxygen . 7. Your doctor will talk to you about type/the type of arrhythmia you have and whether you need treatment. 8. If you have a cough/the cough that lasts for 8 weeks or more, call your doctor. 9. A stomach cancer/Stomach cancer is the growth of cancer cells in the lining and wall of the stomach. 10. Your body also gets cholesterol/a cholesterol directly from the food/food you eat. III. Choose the correct answer. 1. I went to see the doctor because I found it difficult to sleep at … night. a) a b) an c) the d) –