100 All the dental schools have interviews with their short-listed candidates, during which the applicants must show their best. The content of courses in all dental schools is very similar, but the inter‑ nal structure can vary to a great extent. Still the general trend is for the in‑ tegration of clinical elements with basic medical sciences in the early terms of the course. In some dental schools students make their frst contacts with patients during the frst weeks of the frst year. At the pre-clinical stage dental students cover the same basic sciences, as other medical students, but there is greater concentration on anatomy of the head, neck and thorax. Anatomy, molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology are studied at various stages. Students can start serious clinical studies in dentistry only after passing examinations in anatomy, biochem‑ istry and physiology. At the clinical stage dental practice is combined with courses on general human diseases and pharmacology. Before starting to work with patients students are taught techniques on phantom heads. Assessment of knowledge includes written, clinical and oral examina‑ tions. In recent years the Department of Health has introduced a compulsory one-year postgraduate vocational training scheme (VTS). In this scheme new graduates spend time in approved general dental practices, trained by selected general dental practitioners (GDPs). Vocabulary to the text: General Certifcate of Education – общий сертификат об образовании level [levl] n уровень grade [greid] n отметка, оценка achievement [ə ’ t∫i:vmənt] n достижение academic achievement – успеваемость selection [si ’ lek∫n] n отбор demand [di ’ ma:nd] v требовать to be good at something – хорошо знать что-то, преуспевать в чем-то. to run into – столкнуться с чем-то (с кем-то), наткнуться to fall behind – отставать, опаздывать prove [pru:v] v доказывать experience [iks ’ piəriəns] n опыт responsibility [ris ‚ p ɔ nsə ’ biliti] n ответственность; обязательство skill [skil] n навык well-qualifie [ ‚ wel ’ kw ɔ lifaid] a высококвалифицированный