103 tology and embryology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, physiol‑ ogy and biochemistry. Students also study topics specifc to dentistry, such as principles of occlusion, anesthesia and pain control, operative dentistry, facial growth and development, cariology and preventive dentistry. Students are introduced into the clinic during the frst term and progressively become more and more involved in patient care. The fial two years emphasize training and instruction in the clinical fild, including endodontics, opera‑ tive dentistry, oral diagnosis and treatment planning, oral radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, anesthesiology, orthodontics etc. Dental education is rather expensive. Dental school tuition fee varies be‑ tween $ 10,000 and $36,000 per year depending on the school. If a student is a resident of the state where he studies, tuition fee is much lower (sometimes 3 times lower) for him than for a non-resident. At the same time, students demonstrating fiancial need are often offered a combination of grant and loan assistance to meet their expenses. After graduation young dentists are ready to take licensing examinations (both written and clinical). Licenses are issued by the state committee or boards. The requirements may vary depending on the state, but there are also regional boards which issue li‑ censes valid in several states. Most dentists are members of their professional organization, the Ameri‑ can Dental Association (ADA). Short courses are regularly offered to den‑ tists to keep them informed of the new developments in clinical and research procedures. Thus, continuing education is offered to the members of dental profession. Vocabulary to the text: employment [im ’ pl ɔ imənt] n работа по найму trust [tr ∧ st] v доверять prospect [ ’ pr ɔ spekt] n перспектива engage [in ’ geid ʒ ] v нанимать; заниматься ( in ) opportunity [ ‚ ɔ pə ’ tju:niti] n возможность available [ə ’ veiləbl] a доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении cause [k ɔ : z] n причина; v вызывать, причинять effect [i ’ fekt] n результат associated [ə ’ səu∫ieited] a связанный guidance [ ’ gaidəns] n руководство pulp [p ∧ lp] n пульпа tissue [ ’ tisju:], [ ’ ti∫u:] n ткань