104 support [sə ’ p ɔ : t] v поддерживать adolescent [ ‚ ædə ’ lesnt] n подросток; юноша или девушка involve [in ’ v ɔ lv] v включать; подразумевать, предполагать; вовлекать crown [kraun] n коронка denture [ ’ dent∫ə] (bridges) n зубной протез prosthesis [ ’ pr ɔ sθisis] n протез malooclusion [mælə ’ klu: ʒ n] n неправильный прикус Bachelor’s Degree – степень бакалавра Dental��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������� Admission Test (DAT) – Стоматологическое приемное тести‑ рование Letters of recommendation – рекомендательные письма Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) – Степень стоматолога- хирурга loan [ləun] n заем license [ ’ laisəns] v разрешать, давать резрешение (на что-либо) licence [ ’ laisəns] n разрешение, лицензия 4. Work in pairs. a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dental education in the USA. b) Compare dental education in Russia and in the USA. Point out similarities and differences. UNIT 3 1. Read the text for general understanding. Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. Make up the plan of the text. Bones. Formation and Structure Bones are complete organs, chiefly composed of connective tissue called osseous (bony) tissue plus a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves. Os‑ seous tissue is a dense connective tissue which consists of osteocytes (bone cells) surrounded by a hard, intercellular substance flled with calcium salts. During fetal development, the bones of the fetus are composed of car‑ tilage tissue, which resembles osseous tissue but is more flexible and less dense because of a lack of calcium salts in its intercellular spaces. As the embryo develops, the process of depositing calcium salts in the soft, carti‑ laginous bones occurs, and continues throughout the life of the individual