7. Dental floss was invented in 1840 by Dr. Levi Parmly, a dentist from New Orleans. 8. 100 years ago …% of adults in North America were toothless. 9. Children in England and inAustralia dropped their frst baby tooth into a mouse hole in the belief it would keep them free from toothache. 10. … was known as the «father of operative dentistry». 11. Novocaine was widely used in dentistry in the late 19 th century. 12. The frst porcelain (фарфоровые) dentures were produced in France in 1788. 13. The Maya people used … to decorate their teeth. 14. …believed that women had only 28 teeth. 15. The frst dental X‑ray was made in the 20 th century. 16. In Europe the frst book on dentistry was published in Germa‑ ny in …. 17. The Chinese invented the toothbrush in 1498. 18. The dental scanner was introduced in ….