65 owing to [ ’ əuiŋtu] prep благодаря (= due to, thanks to) apparent [ə ’ pærənt] a видимый; явный, очевидный apparently [ə ’ pærəntli] adv очевидно increase [in ’ kri:s] v усиливать(ся) development [di ’ veləpmənt] n развитие ridge [rid ʒ ] n гребень, узкий край approach [ ’ əprəut∫] v приближаться, подходить prior to [ ’ praiətu] prep до (= before) saliva [sə ’ laivə] n слюна сonsiderable [kən ’ sidərəbl] a значительный quantity [ ’ kw ɔ ntiti] n количество set [set] n набор temporary [ ’ tempərəri] a временный appearance [ə ’ piərəns] n появление; внешний вид summit [ ’ s ∧ mit] n вершина erupt [i ’ r ∧ pt] v прорезываться eruption [i ’ r ∧ p∫n] n прорезывание 19. Read and translate the following words and word combinations: The outlines of the forms of the teeth, surface of the tooth, upper and lower jaws, the temperature increases, the development of the alveolar proc‑ ess, as the period of dentition approaches, the permanent molars erupt, erup‑ tion starts at 6 months, a considerable quantity of saliva, a little ridge on the summit of each jaw. Reading 2 20. a) Read the text and find nouns with suffix -ance ; b) Translate the text. First and Second Dentitions If we examine the mouth of an infant shortly after birth, we shall see the outlines of the forms of the temporary teeth – especially the front ones – situated apparently a very little distance beneath the surface of the gums on the external aspect of the jaws. As an infant grows older, they become, owing to the increased develop‑ ment of the alveolar process and mucous membrane, less and less apparent, until the outline is almost lost. A little ridge, on the summit of each jaw, becomes more apparent as the period of dentition approaches. During the