67 9. remove the catheter until the last portion of urine is stopped, pressing the edge of the palm of one hand over the pubis; 10. the used catheter should be placed in the «Waste Class B» container; 11. remove the gloves and place them in the «Waste Class B» container; 12. carry out hygienic treatment of hands. The sequence of actions in determining the daily diuresis 1. prepare the urinal; 2. instruct the patient («at 8 am urinate in the toilet and then during the day all the urine at first collect in the urinal and pour, only after determining and recording the amount. The last time you urinate in the urinal at 8 am the next day. Give the notes to the nurse»). 3. Write down the received data to the temperature sheet in the column «daily diuresis» or glue the sheet in the history of the disease. Renal colic  is an urgent condition observed in a number of kidney diseases, the main manifestation of which is pain in the lumbar region and along the ureters. The most common causes of renal colic are urolithiasis in 70–75%, hydronephrosis, nephroptosis. Pain syndrome occurs due to acute violation of the urine outflow because ofo obturation of the upper parts of the urinary tract with a concretion, a clot of blood, mucus or pus, a conglomerate of urinary salts, as a result of the bend of the ureter, spasm of the renal pelvis, ureter. Pre-hospital care: 1. Call a doctor through the 3rd person. 2. To create a mental and physical rest. 3. A hot bath for 10–20 min (it is not recommended for elderly individuals, patients with cardiovascular disease). 4. Apply a warm heater on the lower back (if there is no inflammatory process in the kidneys). Taking urine for research 1. Complete urine analysis. In the morning from 6.00 to 7.00 after the toilet of the external genitals, the patient urinates to a clean dry jar. 2. Analysis according to Nechyporenko. The analysis is used to determine the number of blood elements and cylinders. At 8.00 am after the toilet of the external genitals, the patient urinates in the