33 LESSON 15. CLASSIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE LOW-MOLECULAR ORGANIC SUBSTANCES Required base level. Theory of the structure of organic substances by Butlerov. Classification of organic substances. Saturated hydrocarbons: alkanes, cycloalkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons: alkenes, alkynes, dienes. Arenas. Questions for the preparation for the lesson. 1. Nomenclature of organic compounds: trivial nomenclature, substitutive and radical functional nomenclatures IUPAC. 2. Reactions of radical substitution of alkanes, cycloalkanes. Selectivity of substitution. 3. Features of the electronic structure and chemical properties of small cycles (C 3 H 6  and C 4 H 8 ). 4. Peculiarities of the reactions of electrophilic addition to unsaturated hydrocarbons: • the reaction of hydration, hydrohalogenation of unsymmetrical alkenes and unsaturated carboxylic acids; Markovnikov’s rule; • Hydration of alkynes, features of Kucherov’s reactions; • features of addition to conjugated dienes. 5. Peculiarities of the reactions of electrophilic substitution of aromatic hydrocarbons. Substituent effects. Test-control on the topic “Hydrocarbons” Homework exercises 1. The hormone oxytocin contains isoleucine. Specify the functional groups in the isoleucine molecule and name it by the IUPAC substitutive nomenclature. CH 3 CH 2 CH CH CH 3 COOH NH 2 isoleucine 2. Dibasic hydroxycarboxylic acid, first isolated from apples, is known as malic acid. Name this compound by the IUPAC substitutive nomenclature and specify the functional groups in the molecule: HOOC CH CH 2 OH COOH malic acid