12 The student must be able to : 1. Identify the patient’s disturbed needs; 2. Identify priority, existing, and potential problems of the patient; 3. Formulate the goals of nursing interventions; 4. Create an intervention plan based on the categories (dependent, independent, and interdependent); 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Content of the training material The nursing process is a scientific systematic method of organizing and practi- cal implementation by a nurse of their professional duties to help the patient and his family , it is a way of thinking and acting in relation to people, the environment, and health, according to the basic concepts of nursing. The nursing process is aimed to: • strengthening and preserving the health of the patient, family, society and prevention of diseases; • ensuring the maximum possible psychological and physical comfort for the patient; • restoring and maintaining the patient’s independence in fulfilling the basic needs of the body or a quiet death. Goals of the nursing process: • determining the needs of the patient and his family for care; • definition of priorities, expected outcomes (determination of goals of care); • predicting the possible consequences of nurse actions and those of other par- ticipants in the treatment process, members of the medical team; • evaluation of the effectiveness of nursing care results. The nursing process consists of five stages: 1) nursing examination of the patient-collection of information about the pa- tient’s health status, his family (formation of a «Bank» of information); 2) making a nursing diagnosis, identifying the needs and describing the prob- lems of the patient and his family that are associated with the disease; 3) planning the actions of a nurse with an indication of the time frame for achieving the planned goals and results; 4) realization a care plan; 5) evaluation of results – determining the effectiveness or inefficiency of care, the causes of errors and complications. At all stages of the nursing process, the necessary conditions for its implemen- tation are: • professional competence of the nurse, skills of observation, communication, analysis and interpretation of the received data; • trusting environment, sufficient time;