18 correctness of prescriptions (doses, ways of administration, compatibility of medi- cations) and in case of doubt or error, clarify the situation together with the doctor. A nurse who makes an incorrect or unnecessary appointment is professionally in- competent and equally responsible for the consequences of the error. Independent nursing intervention is an action performed by a nurse within her competence autonomously, without a direct request from the doctor, on the basis of her own initiative. These include: • assistance to the patient in self-care; • monitoring his reaction to treatment; • teaching the patient self-massage; • advice about his health; • monitoring and recommendations for recovery activity and rest during the day; • organization of patient’s leisure time, etc. Interdependent intervention means collaboration with a doctor or other health- care professional (physiotherapist, physical therapy instructor, etc.), when the ac- tivities of all parties are of equal value. All actions of the nurse are aimed at: • assistance in case of illness; • disease prevention; • health promotion. When filling in the «plan implementation» section, «who?», «what?», and «when?» are taken into account. Example. Independent interventions : a nurse will perform breathing exercises for a patient with pneumonia every day. Dependent interventions : the nurse will give analgesics every 3 hours as pre- scribed by the doctor. The fifth stage of the nursing process is to evaluate the effectiveness of nurs- ing care . The goal of the stage is to evaluate the patient’s response to nursing care, the quality of care provided, the results obtained, and summarizing the results to en- sure effective planning of the future activities of the nurse. The important point at this stage is the patient’s opinion about the nursing ac- tivities carried out. Sources of information for evaluating the results of care besides the patient are his family members and surrounds, medical documentation, and marks of medical personnel. The nurse constantly evaluates the effectiveness and quality of patient care (Fig. 2). The assessment is carried out daily and even hourly (if necessary), at discharge, when transferring to another department or institution, in the event of the patient’s death. The evaluation provides feedback to identify patient needs, when making changes to nursing practices, or to review other aspects of the health system.