24 • intellectual and creative potential, • life position (active, passive, consumer, «producing», taking, giving, depen- dent, independent, etc.), • psychological problems and complexes, • learned social roles («student», «teacher», «nurse», «doctor», «boss», «sub- ordinate», etc.). There are the following types of communication: 1. Intrapersonal. This is an internal dialogue of a person with himself, think- ing about problems, various issues, analyzing situations, making plans, etc. For example, a nurse says to herself: «I need to take N.’s temperature again,» but She doesn’t say it out loud. 2. Interpersonal. This is communication between two or more people. It includes all the variety of levels, forms, styles, and methods of communication. 3. Public. This is the communication of a person with a group of people, a team, a large audience. Communication has three main functions : 1. Communication is the exchange of information in the process of communication. 2. Interactive is the ability of people to interact with each other and exchange actions, actions, experiences, opinions, relationships, etc. in the process of com- munication. 3. Perceptual is the ability to perceive and emotionally experience the problems of each of the participants in the communication process and, as a result, to estab- lish and clarify the nature of relationships and mutual understanding. Structure of the communication process The communication process has the following structure: The first link is the sender of the message (information), i. e. the person initiat- ing the communication. The second link is the message itself, i. e. the transmitted verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-speech) information. The third link is the channel used for transmitting information (speech, non- speech, written, etc.). The fourth link is the recipient of the message, information, that is, the com- munication partner, the interlocutor. The fifth link is the fact that the interlocutor confirms or does not confirm the receipt of the message, that is, feedback. This factor is extremely important for ef- fective communication between people. Communication is considered optimal when all five links are actively involved. Violation in any link can lead to a violation of the communication process as a whole and as a result – to mutual misunderstanding between the interlocutors or even conflict.