31 Each separate part of the question, in turn, is made according to a special scheme. The pattern of questioning may change in each particular case, but it al- ways remains a pattern, that is, it gives a certain guidance, providing a certain direction and sequence of thought. The passport part is the prelude or introduction to the questioning of the patient. It consists of the following points, each of which has its own meaning: 1. Last name, first name, patronymic. 2. Age. 3. Marital status. 4. Gender. 5. Education. 6. Place of permanent residence. 7. Place of work. 8. Profession (position). 9. Full name, address, phone number of next of kin. 10. Date of admission to hospital (for emergency patients hours and minutes). Anamnesis morbi (history of the present disease) Patient complaints. The most common drawback when questioning a patient is haste in conducting the interview. The great Russian therapist, Professor G. A. Zakharin, sometimes questioned the patient for several hours. Distinguish between the main and ad- ditional complaints, the main and less significant. Complaints are collected at the present time, when the patient meets the doctor. Questions are put to the patient: «What are you complaining about of?», «What is bothering You?». It is quite ap- propriate at the beginning of the conversation to give the patient an opportunity to speak out, and then, taking into account what he heard, ask the necessary addition- al questions. Thus, the interview continues with the most active participation of the doctor or the questioning student. It should be remembered that the questioner at this moment is not interested in previous diagnoses, which the patient can begin to list, but his subjective feelings of the disease. Brevity is not allowed in this case. The main requirement for this section of the inquiry is the completeness of the collected complaints, which means that each patient’s complaint must be detailed by the doctor. If the patient complains of pain, then find out: 1. Localization of pain, 2. Irradiation (spreading) of pain, 3. Duration of pain, 4.The intensity of the pain, 5. The nature of pain (blunt, tearing, burning, pressing, stabbing, squeezing, bursting, drilling, cramping pain),