33 General anamnesis (anamnesis communis) As a rule, in all diseases, there are a number of subjective signs that are im- portant for establishing a diagnosis, which the patient does not mention in their complaints. Of the many unpleasant sensations, only some are the most disturbing, and the patient considers them the most worthy of attention, the rest he can not talk about. In this regard, it is necessary to further identify the sensations that indicate painful deviations in the function of the entire body and individual systems by detailed questioning of the patient. It should be emphasized that in the pathology of internal organs, a violation of the function of one of the body’s systems always leads to a disorder of the function of other organs and the body as a whole. Therefore, the presence (or ab- sence) of General changes (General weakness, chills, rapid fatigue, pain in the muscles, joints) is specified, and then a survey should be conducted on possible disorders in individual systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urogenital). This part of the question seems to be the most important and responsible, since the doctor needs to imagine what complaints can occur when a particular system is af- fected. This additional survey can be called active detection of complaints. The anamnesis of life (anamnesis vitae) It is a medical biography of the patient. The study of life history allows us to conduct an in-depth analysis of the physical, mental and social development of the subject, his lifestyle in order to detect possible risk factors and triggers for deterio- ration of health or the occurrence of disease. The patient’s life history is studied in a certain sequence. 1. Place of birth, living conditions of childhood, childhood diseases. 2. Work history: when I started working, the nature and conditions of work, professional harm. Subsequent changes to the work. Working conditions at the present time. Describe the profession in detail. Characteristics of the working room (temperature, dust, drafts, dampness, lighting, contact with harmful substances), duration of the working day and break in work. Use of days off and periodic holi- days. Whether there are conflicts at work. 3. Material and living conditions: living space, the number of people living on it. The nature of food-eats at home or in the dining room, the nature of the food taken, the regularity and frequency of meals, approximate menu. 4. Marital status at the moment, whether there are children, how many, their health (if they died, the cause of death). 5. Past illnesses (specify which and at what age), operations, contusions, inju- ries, injuries. For chronic diseases-the beginning, periods of exacerbations, the last exacerbation, treatment. 6. Bad habits-alcohol (specifically: how often he uses, what drinks, how much), Smoking-from what age, what he smokes, how much per day, whether he uses drugs, strong tea, coffee, abuse of salt, spices.