36 also make the correct diagnosis. It should be emphasized that the General examina- tion, in contrast to complaints, anamnesis is an objective study of the patient. Inspection rules and conditions: lighting-daylight or daylight lamp, direct and side lighting. Full or partial exposure (patients in a satisfactory condition, and a state of moderate severity is possible, both full and partial exposure, seriously ill people are always undressed), exposure of symmetrical areas. Examination of the torso and chest is best performed in an upright position. The abdomen should be examined in vertical and horizontal positions. First, the General condition of the patient is assessed. It can be satisfactory, moderate, severe, or extremely severe. The General condition is primarily charac- terized by well-being (the degree of severity of complaints), state of consciousness, body position, and changes in vital signs. In some cases, it is possible to determine the severity of the General condition with a relatively satisfactory state of health of the patient and the absence of pronounced violations of the objective status only after additional laboratory and instrumental studies. Satisfactory condition – no pronounced complaints, clear consciousness, vital functions are not disturbed. The state of moderate severity is observed in diseases that occur with pro- nounced subjective and objective manifestations. Patients may complain of intense pain of various localization, pronounced weakness, shortness of breath with mod- erate physical exertion, dizziness, etc. Consciousness is usually clear, but some- times it is deafened. The vital functions are interfered with slightly. There is no im- mediate danger to the patient’s life. Severe condition – there is decompensation of the functions of vital organs, which is an immediate danger to the patient’s life or can lead to deep disability. A severe General condition is observed with a complicated course of the disease with pronounced and rapidly progressive clinical manifestations. Patients complain of unbearable prolonged persistent pain in the heart or stomach, pronounced short- ness of breath at rest, prolonged anuria, etc. The patient’s position is passive or forced, he, as a rule, cannot serve himself, needs constant care. Perhaps a distur- bance of consciousness to the point of deep deafening or sopor. The condition is extremely severe- characterized by such a sharp violation of the main vital functions of the body that without urgent and intensive medical mea- sures, the patient may die within the next hours or even minutes. Consciousness is usually severely depressed, even to the point of coma, although in some cases it remains clear. The position is most often passive, sometimes there is motor ex- citement, General convulsions involving the respiratory muscles. Treatment of pa- tients in extremely serious General condition is carried out in the intensive care unit. The patient’s position can be active, passive, or forced. Active position – the patient can move independently, take this or that position while his health does not worsen.