UDC 616–083+614.253.5 (075.8) BBC 53.5+51.1 (2)ya73 Nur 94 Compi le r s: associate Professor, candidate of medical Sciences O. D. Mi- khailova ; Professor, doctor of medical Sciences N. A. Khokhlacheva ; head of the Department, Professor, doctor of medical science Ya.M. Vakhrushev Rev iewe r s: the head of department of Disaster Medicine and Life Safety of ISMA, doctor of medical Sciences E. Yu. Shkatova , associate Professor of the department of Policlinic Therapy of ISMA, candidate of medical Sciences A. V. Ni- kolaeva Recommended by the Central coordination and methodological Council of the Izhevsk State Medical Academy Nursing in the practice of internal diseases: textbook / Comp. O. D. Mikhailova, N. A. Khokhlacheva, Ya.M. Vakhrushev – Izhevsk, 2020. – 96 p. The training manual covers the basics of organization of nursing (with elements of special therapeutic care), taking into account modern special care products, the sequence of medical procedures and manipulations. Features of care of patients with various pathology of organs and systems are given. The manual is intended for foreign students enrolled in the main professional educational programs-programs of specialty on 31.05.01 «General Medicine», 31.05.02 «Pediatrics», 31.05.03 «Dentistry». UDC 616–083+614.253.5 (075.8) BBC 53.5+51.1 (2)ya73 © Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 2020 ©O.D. Mikhailova, N. A. Khokhlacheva, Ya.M. Vakhrushev, formulation, 2020 Nur 94