44 litus and diabetes insipidus, with myxedema, scleroderma, ichthyosis, and chronic nephritis that occurs with polyuria. Condition of the lymph nodes . Localization (occipital, parotid, cervical, sub- mandibular, chin, supraclavicular, subclavian, axillary, ulnar, inguinal, femoral, popliteal). If their characteristics are palpated: size in cm; shape-oval, rounded, irregular; surface-smooth, bumpy; consistency-hard, soft, tightly elastic; solidity with the skin, surrounding fiber and among themselves; their mobility, soreness, skin condition above them. State of the musculoskeletal system. Muscles. Examination: degree of development (General and local atrophy and hy- pertrophy), symmetry, proportionality. Palpation: tenderness, the presence of seals. The strength and tone of muscles (moderately expressed, increased, reduced, symmetric). Bones. Examination: proportionality of the skeleton, deformity (Acromegaly. «Drumsticks» – acrobatie). Palpation: soreness, thickening and irregularities of the periosteum, bone crepitation and pathological mobility (in fractures). Pain when pounding (especially the ribs, sternum, tubular bones, spine). Joints . Examination: configuration, swelling, hyperemia. Feeling: the lo- cal temperature, tenderness. Movement noises (crunching, creaking, clicking). The volume of active and passive movements in the joints (limited mobility, rigid- ity, contracture, excessive movement). Spine. Oedema. Character, localization (limbs, face, eyelids, abdomen, lower back, General edema), temperature and skin color above the edema. The pasty. Test task Choose one correct answer: 1. Pallor of the skin is characteristic of 1. erythrocytosis; 4. iron deficiency anemia; 2. kidney diseases thyrotoxicosis; 5. malignant neoplasms. 3. hemolytic anemia; 2. Position that the patient cannot change without assistance 1. forced; 3. unsatisfactory; 2. passive; 4. coma. 3. the patient’s examination revealed a forward curvature of the spine. The type of such curvature is called: 1. kyphosis; 3. lordosis; 2. scoliosis; 4. kyphoscoliosis. 4. in case of croup pneumonia, the face is 1. febrilis; 4. mitrale; 2. pneumonica; 5. Hippocratica. 3. nefrotica;