45 5. Forced standing position is typical for: 1. asthma attacks; 4. angina attacks; 2.tumors of the pancreas; 5. meningitis. 3. broken ribs; select all the correct answers: 6. adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) is characterized by the follow- ing symptoms: 1. lacquered tongue; 4. Filatov’s spots; 2. skin color of coffee with milk; 5. brown spots on the oral mucosa; 3.the bronze colour of the skin; 6. dry lips. 7. heart failure is characterized by signs of 1. forced lying position; 2. forced sitting position, leaning forward, leaning on your hands; 3.facies Hippocratica; 4.facies Korvizora; 5. peripheral cyanosis; 6. Central cyanosis; 8. iron deficiency anemia is characterized by the following symptoms: 1. lacquered tongue; 4. erythema nodosum; 2.the pale colour of the skin; 5. brittle nails; 3. coilonychia; 6. nails in the form of «watch glasses». 9. abscess and gangrene of the lungs are characterized by the following symptoms: 1. lacquered tongue; 2. nails in the form of « watch glasses»; 3. the smell of carrion from the mouth; 4. sweet-putrid breath; 5. fingers in the form of «drumsticks»; 6. xanthelasma. 10. Jaundice with a greenish tinge of skin color is characteristic of: 1. B‑12‑folic deficiency anemia; 4. mechanical jaundice; 2. septic endocarditis; 5.cancer of the pancreas. 3. hemolytic jaundice; Find a match: 11. Degrees of depression of consciousness patient's reaction 1. Coma 2. Stupor 3. Sopor a. reflexes saved, does not answer questions b. answers questions correctly, but belatedly, sluggishly b. does not answer questions, no re- flexes g. answers questions incorrectly