48 narrowed due to spasm of the bronchial muscles (bronchial asthma, emphysema of the lungs). In addition, shortness of breath may occur when a foreign body is swallowed, in this case it will be inspiratory (difficult to inhale), as well as with various violations of the respiratory apparatus, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is exposed to toxic substances (mixed – difficult to inhale and exhale). In a healthy person, shortness of breath can occur with heavy physical exertion Suffocation – (asthma) – a sudden attack of severe shortness of breath. Attacks of suffocation occur as a result of spasm of the small bronchi (as in bronchial asthma) or as a result of edema and increased sputum formation in the bronchi (as in obstructive bronchitis). In cases where left ventricular weakness develops, it is customary to talk about cardiac asthma, sometimes turning into pulmonary edema. • pain in the chest; • hemoptysis-discharge (coughing up) of sputum with blood in the form of streaks and dotted inclusions; • pulmonary hemorrhage-discharge (coughing) through the respiratory tract of scarlet, foamy blood in an amount of 5–50 ml or more. Anamnesis morbi Anamnesis of the disease when the respiratory system is affected significantly helps to recognize the disease. So, a sudden onset with chills and a rise in tempera- ture to high numbers, pain in the side and a cough with rusty sputum make the diagnosis of croup pneumonia almost certain. Gradual onset of the disease, periods of exacerbation (spring and autumn) and remission, increasing shortness of breath, cough with sputum are characteristic of progressive chronic bronchitis. Anamnesis vitae Anamnesis of life allows you to identify risk factors for bronchopulmonary pathology: living in ecologically unfavorable areas with dust and air pollution, occupational hazards, Smoking (including passive), alcohol consumption, socio- economic factors, contact with a patient with tuberculosis, hereditary predisposi- tion, allergological burdened history. General inspection provides a lot of valuable information. Pay attention to whether there is a forced situation. For example, during an attack of bronchial asthma, the patient sits leaning on his hands (fixes the upper shoulder girdle). In some patients, it is possible to note cyanotic staining of the lips, skin of the hands, face (cyanosis) – occurs in pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema. The cause of cyanosis is a violation of gas exchange in the lungs with hypoxia and hypercapnia of the blood. In croupous pneumonia, it is possible to detect hyperemia (blush) of the face on one side corresponding to the affected lung due to irritation of the corresponding sympathetic nerve. In some patients, you can find a symptom of «drumsticks» (thickening of the end phalanges of the fingers) and a symptom of» watch glasses « (bulge of the nail plates). These