49 symptoms are characteristic of long-term and debilitating diseases (pulmonary suppuration, bronchiectatic disease, COPD). Neck examination can detect enlarged cervical lymph nodes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Additional research methods: laboratory – blood analysis (complete, biochemical), sputum analysis (com- plete, seeding, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, cancer), immunological studies instrumental – body temperature measurement, pulse oximetry, spirometry and spirography, x‑ray examination of the lungs, x‑ray examination of the bronchi (bronchography), computed tomography of the bronchi and lungs, endoscopic ex- amination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy). The second stage of the nursing process is to identify the problems of the patient and their family and formulate a nursing diagnosis Nursing diagnoses for diseases of the respiratory system Level I nursing diagnoses 1. Violation of nasal breathing; 2. Sore throat; 3. Hoarseness; 4. Cough; 5. Pain in the chest; 6. Hemoptysis; 7. Pulmonary hemorrhage; 8. Shortness of breath (indicate what); 9. Suffocation; 10. Fever; 11. Headache; 12. Inability to use a spittoon; 13. Inability to use an inhaler; 14. Nicotine addiction; 15. Fear of death from suffocation. Level II nursing diagnoses 1. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract; 2. The syndrome of inflammation of the proximal bronchi; 3. The syndrome of inflammation of the distal bronchi; 4. Allergic lesions of the upper respiratory tract (vasomotor rhinitis, Quincke’s edema, etc.); 5. emphysema syndrome; 6. Asthmatic condition; 7. The respiratory distress syndrome;