53 Algorithm for filling the oxygen pillow 1. Remove the mouthpiece. 2. Open the oxygen cushion valve tap. 3. Connect the oxygen cushion valve to the oxygen cylinder reducer. 4. slowly open the gear valve. 5. after filling the cushion, close the gear valve and the valve oxygen cushion. 6. Put the mouthpiece on the oxygen pad. Currently, for many diseases accompanied by hypoxia, that is, a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the tissues, hyperbaric oxygenation is used, which is a treatment with oxygen under high pressure in special pressure chambers. Emergency conditions in diseases of the respiratory system Hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage. Hemoptysis is the release of sputum with an admixture of blood mixed evenly (for example, rusty sputum « for croup pneumonia, sputum in the form of «raspberry jelly» for lung cancer) or located in separate veins. The release of a significant amount of blood through the respiratory tract (with coughing jerks, less often – a continuous stream) is called pulmonary bleeding. The causes of these symptoms are malignant tumors, gangrene, lung infarction, tuberculosis, bronchiectatic disease, echinococcosis, lung injuries and injuries, mitral defects, pneumonia, etc. Hemoptysis and especially pulmonary hemorrhage are very serious symptoms that require urgent determination of their cause – x‑ray examination of the chest or- gans with tomography, bronchoscopy, bronchography, and sometimes angiography. Clinic: fright, pallor of the skin, cold sticky sweat, pulse of weak filling and tension, low blood pressure, with coughing jerks, red foamy blood with air bubbles is released. A threat to life occurs due to a violation of the ventilation function of the lungs as a result of blood entering the underlying pathways and from blood loss. Independent help: 1. Call a doctor through the 3rd person. 2. Create complete peace (mental, physical). 3. Give the patient a semi-sitting position, with a tilt towards the affected lung. 4. Prohibit talking, Smoking, and eating. 5. Give the patient a tray (individual spittoon (the condition is not usually accompanied by shock or collapse). 6. if you have an intense cough, give antitussives if the cough increases the bleeding. 7. Suggest that the patient swallow ice cubes. 8. Apply an ice pack to the chest on the side of the lesion.