54 9. Wipe the mouth with a napkin wrapped around a spatula if the patient is unable to rinse the mouth. 10. Constant monitoring of the pulse, BPD, blood pressure, sputum character. Dependent interventions : 1. Enter vikasol 1% 6–8 ml, calcium chloride 10% 10.0 V\V, dicinone 1%-2 ml/m. Tranexamic acid 5% 200 ml in/in drops. 2. controlled hypotension is performed (medical maintenance of blood pressure at the level of 80 mmHg). 3. Sometimes, during urgent bronchoscopy, it is possible to tampon the bleeding vessel with a special hemostatic sponge. In some cases, there is a question of urgent surgical intervention. If pneumonia is accompanied by hemoptysis, then food should be given in cold form, semi-liquid, easily digestible, fortified, drink only cold, physiotherapy is contraindicated. Care for shortness of breath. If a patient has an acute attack of shortness of breath, it is necessary to urgently call an Ambulance team and take urgent measures to facilitate breathing: • limit physical activity; • in case of severe shortness of breath, sit the patient in a chair or on a bed; • give the patient an elevated (sitting) position by placing a headrest or several pillows under the back or lifting the upper part of the functional bed; • calm the patient and explain to him that after treatment begins, shortness of breath will decrease; try to switch the patient’s attention; • release the patient from the heavy blanket and clothing that restricts them; • ensure maximum fresh air flow by opening a window or window; • inhalation with humidified oxygen at home; • monitor the frequency, depth, and rhythm of breathing. Bronchospastic syndrome – an attack of expiratory suffocation, due to reversible generalized airway obstruction resulting from bronchospasm, edema of the bronchial mucosa and hypersecretion of bronchial mucus. This syndrome usually occurs in bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Clinic : Complaints of difficulty breathing, heaviness in the chest, dry cough or with difficult-to-separate vitreous sputum, wheezing, feeling of lack of air. Independent assistance: 1. Call a doctor through a third party. 2. Calm the patient. 3. Give a forced sitting or standing position with your hands on the chair. 4. Provide access to fresh air, free from restrictive clothing. 5. Perform inhalation of bronchodilators using an individual catheter through a spacer or through a nebulizer every 20 minutes for an hour until the attack stops. 6. perform oxygen therapy Dependent help: If necessary – glucocorticoids.