56 Find a match: 8. Emergency Necessary assistance 1. hemoptysis 2. bronchospastic syndrome 3. asthmatic status a. perform inhalation of bronchodilators b. urgently hospitalize the patient in the in- tensive care unit B. apply an ice pack to the chest Complete a statement: 9. Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic method of visual examination … 10. Suffocation is… THEME 7. NURSING PROCESS AND STANDARDS OF NURSING CARE FOR DISEASES OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. MAJOR EMERGENCY CONDITIONS IN CARDIOLOGY Purpose of studying the topic: • learn how to develop a nursing process for diseases of the cardiovascular system; As a result of studying the topic, the student should know : 1. Main complaints of patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system; 2. the Main laboratory and instrumental studies that should be performed in patients presenting complaints from the cardiovascular system; 3. Possible problems of patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system; 4. possible nursing diagnoses in the pathology of the cardiovascular system; 5.The goal of nursing care for patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system; 6. Dependent, independent and interdependent nursing interventions in the imple- mentation of the nursing intervention plan in patients with cardiovascular diseases; 7. standards of professional activity of a nurse in preparing patients for blood tests, blood pressure measurements, and electrocardiograms. 8. Emergency care for hypertensive crisis, angina attack and myocardial in- farction. the student must be able to: 1. Specify each complaint of a patient with a pathology of the cardiovascular system; 2. Identify existing, potential, physiological, and psychological problems of pa- tients with cardiovascular diseases; 3. Make a nursing diagnosis of level I and II in the pathology of the cardiovas- cular system; 4. Set short-term and long-term goals when solving a specific problem of a pa- tient with a pathology of the cardiovascular system; 5. Make a plan of nursing interventions to solve a specific problem of a patient with a pathology of the cardiovascular system;