62 3. Distracting procedures (mustard plasters on the back of the head and calf muscles, hot foot baths, cold on the head. 4. blood pressure is measured frequently for 15–30 minutes, then after 20–30 minutes. Dependent care (as prescribed by a doctor): 1. Leeches on the mastoid process. 2. calcium Antagonists (nifedipine, corinfar) 10–20 mg sublingually. 3. Beta blockers: Anaprilin 0.1%-5.0 in 10–15, 0 ml of Phys. R‑RA, slowly. V/V. 4. Bloodletting 350.0 ml. 5. for heart pain, peripheral vasodilators (nitroglycerin 1 tab. under his tongue. 6. Sedatives seduxen, Relanium). 7. after the crisis is removed, patients should stay in bed for 2–2. 5 hours to avoid orthostatic collapse. Angina pectoris. Acute pain in the heart and behind the sternum is a symptom of serious diseases such as angina and AMI. Angina – an attack of angina pain due to myocardial ischemia (acute violation of coronary blood flow) against the background of spasm or atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Etiology: spasm, atherosclerosis or coronary thrombosis. As a result of isch- emia, nerve receptors are irritated by products of impaired metabolism in the myo- cardium and pain occurs. Clinic. With angina, the pain occurs suddenly behind the sternum, by nature com- pressing, burning, pressing, short-term up to 30 minutes, radiating to the left shoulder blade, back, arm, neck, is removed with nitroglycerin in 1–5 minutes. Sometimes the equivalent of angina may be attacks of suffocation or heart failure. The skin is pale, cold sweat, forced standing position, pulse is frequent, blood PRESSURE is normal or elevated, characteristic changes on the ECG only during the attack. Anginal pain requires immediate treatment, otherwise the transition to acute myocardial infarction. Independent assistance: 1. Call a doctor through a third person. 2. Provide complete physical and mental peace. 3. Nitroglycerin 1 tab. under his tongue. 4. fresh air Access. 5. blood pressure and pulse monitoring. 6. Remove the ECG. Dependent care (as prescribed by a doctor): 1. Nitroglycerin. If the patient does not tolerate nitropreparations – give anti- spasmodics. 2. Nitromaz on the sternum. 3. Sedative therapy: Corvalol, validol, valocordin, Valerian infusion.