66 ducts, head of the pancreas, right curvature of the colon. Pain in the left hypo- chondrium is characteristic of lesions of the stomach, pancreas, left lobe of the liver, spleen of the colon, and diaphragm. Shingles are typical for pancreatic le- sions. Directly in the amniotic region, pain occurs in diseases of the duodenum and small intestine, with damage to the omentum, mesenteric lymph nodes. Pain in the right iliac region may indicate appendicitis, damage to the colon or end of the il- eum. Pain in the left iliac region is more often caused by a lesion of the sigmoid colon. Spilled abdominal pain may indicate peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, rup- tures of parenchymal organs, and adhesions. There are periodic and permanent pain. In turn, periodic pain can be early (oc- curring 30 minutes after eating), they are characteristic of stomach ulcers; hungry or late (occurring 1.5–2 hours after eating), night, subsiding after eating are char- acteristic of duodenal ulcer. Speaking about the frequency of pain, you should indicate seasonality: there is an increase in pain in the autumn-spring period. Constant pain is observed in ul- cers complicated by perigastritis or periduodenitis, with stomach cancer. Espe- cially the doctor should be alerted if the nature of pain changes. A large group consists of complaints of so-called dyspeptic disorders (dis-dis- order, pepsis-digestion), which occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and can also occur in cases of damage to other organs and systems. There are gastric and intestinal dyspepsia. • Symptoms of gastric dyspepsia-appetite disorder, swallowing disorder, belching, heartburn, vomiting, nausea; Changes in appetite. Violation of appetite is observed in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication. However, a decrease in appetite, less often an in- crease in it, can also be of Central origin, i. e. these changes occur under the influ- ence of impulses coming from the Central nervous system. This can be in neurosis, psychosis, and organic brain damage. Loss of appetite should be distinguished from the patient’s refusal to eat due to pain that occurs after eating or for other reasons. Perversion of appetite. In some diseases, there is a selective attitude to food. For example, with chronic gastritis, with stomach cancer, patients often note an aversion to meat, to fatty foods. Increased thirst (polydipsia). This symptom is not common. The need to take a large amount of fluid can be observed with hypersecretion and vomiting. In the first case, there is a dilution of acidic gastric contents, in the second (i. e., when vomit- ing) – thirst is caused by dehydration of the body. Nausea (nausea). This is an unpleasant feeling (pressure) in the stomach, ac- companied by a feeling of nausea, dizziness, drooling, cold limbs, pale skin, fall- ing blood pressure, sometimes even a semi-fainting state. The mechanism of nau- sea, apparently, may be associated with a sudden strong contraction of the stomach