68 the food does not reach the mouth. More often it is observed with increased acidity of gastric juice, but it can be with normal or even reduced secretion of gastric juice. • Symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia – bloating, diarrhea, false urges, constipation; Flatulence. Patients with bowel disease often experience bloating. An increase in the size of the abdomen is associated with the expansion of intestinal loops by gases. Purr. Rumbling is understood as abdominal noises caused by the collision of gases and liquids while passing through a bottleneck. Occurs when excessive fer- mentation or excessive swallowing of air. Diarrhea (diarrhoea). Loose stools with frequent bowel movements are ob- served in enterocolitis. Constipation (obstipatio). This term is usually understood as a long delay of feces in the intestines (more than 48 hours). Constipation can be organic and func- tional: organic can be caused by narrowing of the intestine, and functional-can be caused by weakness of the abdominal press, hypodynamia, intoxication, Central nervous system damage, when eating high-calorie food. Additional research methods laboratory – blood analysis (complete, biochemical), coprology, fecal analysis for worm eggs, fecal culture to detect pathogenic microflora and dysbacteriosis. instrumental-FGS with morphological and histological examination of the bi- opsy, pH-metry of the stomach, esophagus, duodenal probing, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, colonoscopy, rectoromanoscopy, x‑ray examination of the diges- tive organs. Second stage of the nursing process Nursing diagnoses for diseases of the digestive system Level I nursing diagnoses: 1. Violation of appetite (polyphagia to bulimia, perversion, reduction, disgust); 2. Violation of the saturable; 3. Thirst; 4. Changing the taste in the mouth; 5. Violation of chewing; 6. Heartburn; 7. Burp; 8. Pain syndrome (abdominal pain); 9. Nausea; 10. Vomiting; 11. Syndrome of dysphagia; 12. Increased nutrition; 13. Reduced nutrition; 14. Flatulence;