82 blood clot, mucus or pus, conglomerate of urinary salts, as a result of inflection of the ureter, spasm of the renal pelvis, ureter. Assistance to the independent: 1. Call a doctor through the 3rd person. 2. Create mental and physical peace. Help dependent: 1. Hot bath for 10–20 minutes (it is contraindicated for the elderly, patients with cardiovascular diseases). 2. Apply a warm water bottle to the lower back (if there is no inflammatory process). 3. introduction of antispasmodics: no-shpa 2.0 V/m, papaverine 2% – 2.0 V/m, etc. 4. Introduction of analgesics: analgin, baralgin, promedol. Aid is interdependent: In the urology Department: novocaine block of the spermatic cord in men and the round ligament of the uterus in women, intra-phase novocaine block, ureter catheterization, surgical treatment (lithotripsy using ULTRASOUND, litotomy). Acute urinary retention (ischuria) – the inability to empty an overflowing blad- der on their own when the urge to urinate. Should be distinguished from Isuzu anuria, in which the urge to urinate there. Acute urinary retention syndrome ac- counts for 7–8% of all urgent urological measures. Urinary retention can be acute or chronic, incomplete or complete. Objectively increased residual urine is deter- mined if it is more than 100 ml. The causes of delayed urination may be due to a lesion of the genitourinary sphere. In this case, it is based on a mechanical factor-blockage of the urethra, urinary tract from inside or outside: stones, adenoma and prostate cancer, urethral trauma, sclerosis of the bladder neck, urethral or bladder neck tumors, acute pros- tatitis, rectal cancer, cervical tumor. The reasons may be independent of the state of the genitourinary sphere: tumors and spinal cord injuries, hysteria, surgery, childbirth, postpartum period, drug intoxication, forced long stay in bed. Assistance to the independent: 1. Call a doctor through the 3rd person. 2. Create mental and physical peace, isolate the patient. 3. Apply reflex techniques for emptying the bladder (the sound of running wa- ter, sitting in a warm bath, apply a warm vessel). Help dependent: 1. Apply a warm heating pad to the suprapubic area. 2. if there is no effect from reflex methods – catheterization of the bladder. Aid is interdependent: Suprapubic puncture of the bladder Independent assistance after procedures: measurement of the amount of urine, visual determination of color, impurities, monitoring of the patient, if necessary – washing the bladder with furacillin solution, rivanol solution.