7 History of nursing in Russia Traditionally in Russia, monasteries were not only spiritual, but also physical hos- pitals. After the adoption of Christianity, «hospital wards» were created in monaster- ies. The place where pain puts a person «prostrate» became known as «hospitals». Since 1829, paramedic (nursing) schools have been established in large hospitals. The new stage in the development of nursing care in Russia is associated with the organization of communities of nurses. The sisters of mercy took care of the sick, both in the community and at home, and also served on duty in the city’s hospitals. On the initiative of N. I. Pirogov, the Holy cross community of sisters of mercy was established in 1854 to provide assistance to the wounded during hostilities. In 1867, The Society for the care of wounded and sick soldiers was organized in Russia, which was renamed to the Russian Red Cross Society in 1879. From that time on, the training of nurses became one of its tasks. In the following years, the sisters of mercy worked to eliminate the epidemics of cholera (1880–1881), typhus and scurvy (1899), and participated in providing medical assistance to migrants (1880–1890). In 1917, the first Congress of the sisters of mercy was held. Currently, nurses may receive education at medical schools as well as in medical colleges. A multi-level system of training nurses from basic to higher and postgraduate has been introduced. In 1994, the interregional Association of nurses of Russia was established. The ethical code of nurses in Russia has been developed. In 1998, the first all-Russian Congress of secondary medical workers (the official name for nurses) was held and congresses were held in many regions of Russia, including the Udmurt Republic in 1999. Departments of nursing care were organized in hospitals and health care centers. The nursing process as the scientific method of organizing nursing care began to be introduced. Philosophy of nursing Philosophy is an integral system of views on nature, society, and thinking, based on the moral ideas of a certain group of people. It is an expression of the worldview and affirms the core values, beliefs, and intentions of this group of people. This is a way to understand your role and your meaning in society. The philosophy of nursing is a part of the General philosophy that gives an un- derstanding of nursing, represents the established beliefs about it. This philosophy defines the significance, goals, place in the society of nursing, the system of views and principles on which it is based. Nursing is the worldview of a nurse in relation to basic human values, a system of views on the relationship between medical professionals, the patient, society and the environment. This philosophy is based on universal princi- ples of ethics and morality. The philosophy of nursing is based on four basic concepts: • patient as a person; • nursing as a science and art;