92 person, the recommended ratio between protein, fat and carbohydrates is 1:0.9:3.5, i. e. you need to reduce the dose of fat and carbohydrates consumed (for young men and women engaged in mental work, a ratio of 1:1.1:4.1 is recommended). You should limit the consumption of products containing purine bases, oxalic acid and cholesterol, providing a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits containing potassium, magnesium, iron, trace elements, vitamins and organic acids. For the elderly and senile, four meals a day is most rational. The recommended caloric content of food is 1900–2000 kcal for women over 60 years of age and 2000–3000 kcal for men of the same age. The calorie content of the first Breakfast should be 25% of the daily diet, the second‑15%, lunch‑40–45% and dinner (no later than 2 hours before bedtime) – 15–20%. Test task Choose one correct answer. 1. Old age is 1) the consequence of bad habits 2) the pathological process 3) the natural process of age-related changes 2. Geriatrics studies 1) features of lifestyle of people of elderly and senile age 2) age-related changes in organs and systems 3) features of diseases of elderly and senile people 4) human aging processes 3. Sclerotic lesions of blood vessels and heart include 1) tortuosity and aneurysmal expansion of capillaries 2) increased peripheral resistance 3) deterioration of blood rheology 4) dystrophy of heart muscle fibers 4. The most common kidney diseases in elderly and senile patients include 1) glomerulonephritis 2) kidney amyloidosis 3) pyelonephritis 4) chronic kidney failure 5) urolithiasis 5. To the involutive processes occurring with the pancreas, include : 1) increase of external secretory function 2) acceleration of cavity and membrane digestion 3) reduction of weight 4) weight gain 5) reducing the thickness of intestinal villi