UDC 611.018(075.8)=161.1=111 BBК 28.706я73+81.2Р-96 L 125 Compilers: T. G. Glushkova associate Professor; Y. A. Osetrova teacher assistant Reviewer: A.V. Nikolaeva , Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of polyclinic therapy with courses of clinical pharmacology and preventive medicine of the faculty of advanced training and retraining; N.E. Sabelnikov , MD, Professor of the Department of human anatomy. Laboratory manual by general histology: textbook / T. G. Glushkova, A. Yu. Osetrova. – Izhevsk, 2021. – 48 р. This manual is made in accordance with the GEF IN of the discipline of histology, embryology, cytology for specialty medicine and is intended for medical students studying in English. The book also includes photos of the micropreparations on general histology and their description. UDC 611.018(075.8)=161.1=111 BBК 28.706я73+81.2Р-96 © Izhevsk state medical Academy, 2021 ©T. G. Glushkova, A. Y. Osetrova, 2021