20 Letter 3. by P. Yu. Petrusevich SPEAKING 7. How did these letters make you feel? What did they make you think about? Share your impressions with your groupmates. Impressions I was impressed by… I liked the idea of … I was surprised that… I was happy to know that… It was useful for me to learn that… Per aspera ad astra (Through hardship to the stars) Dear students, I congratulate you! You have made the right choice! You are an ISMA stu- dent today and you will take the Hippocratic oath tomorrow. Izhevsk State Medical Academy will become your “alma mater”. You need to gain theoretical and practical knowledge to become a successful professional. I know, studying is difficult, but I find it also extremely interesting. To my mind, medicine is one of the most exciting things in this world. Do you share my opi- nion? Do you want to know what awaits you at the academy? You will read a lot of medical literature, learn new medical terms, and listen to numerous lectures. You will also do some research. You will see how a person is born and how a person dies. You will understand that wearing a white coat is a great responsi- bility. You will have new friends, and you may even meet your love. You are be- coming a part of a big team. Always respect your teachers and colleagues. They are your support and inspiration. Here is my advice to you. Aspire to reach your potential. Be creative. Be optimistic. Enjoy these years of your personal and professional growth. You have chosen the most humane profession in the world. Value life. Be- lieve in yourself, but never be afraid to ask your mentors for help. We are here to help you to become a great doctor. Do your best and you will succeed!!! Best wishes, Professor J.