22 GRAMMAR 11. Choose the correct words in italics . 1) It‘s an important lecture. You shouldn’t / don´t have to be late. 2) You mustn’t / don’t have to smoke in the hall of residence. 3) The exam is over. You must / shouldn’t stop writing now. 4) We mustn’t / don´t have to go to the library – we can download books online. 5) I must / have to remember to hand in the homework. 6) You mustn’t / don’t have to bring your dog to the academy. 7) Students mustn’t / should bring food into the dissecting room. 1) The professor said that we can / could use dictionaries to do the exer- cise. 2) When I was a child, I can / could name all the bones of the human body. 3) Nurses cannot / could not conduct surgeries. 4) Can / could you please explain this rule one more time? 5) First year students can / could speak English very well. 6) After I graduate from the medical academy I can / could complete a postgraduate course. 7) Students can / could ask professors questions if they get stuck with the task. 12. Play “Ability bingo”. Go around the classroom and ask your group- mates “Can you …?” questions. Try to find people who have the abilities shown on the bingo card. Write their names in the square on the bingo card. Student A: Can you easily find the dean‘s office? Student B: Yes, I can! It is on the second floor. OR Student B: No, I can‘t. I have never been there. must / have to / should sshoshould can / could