33 VOCABULARY 10.Guess the key word. Can you add more verbs to the scheme? SPEAKING 11.Talk to your groupmate. Answer the questions. - What State Exams did you take at the end of school studies? - How did you prepare for the State Exams to enter the academy? - Do you always do well in exams? - Do you normally get nervous before an exam? - What do you do to overcome exam fear? VIDEO 12.Watch Ted Talk “Fake it until you make it” by Amy Cuddy. What is the main idea of the video? - You should observe people‘s body language. - Your body language can influence your emotional state and your produc- tivity. - You show to people what you think and how you feel through your body language. 13. What should and should not you do to overcome exam fear or interview fear? - Make yourself smaller - Hunch - Smile - Cross your legs - Spread out - Wrap your ankle - Stretch up - Take up space