34 14. Based on the Ted Talk prepare 6 statements. 3 of them should be true and 3 should be false. Read your statements to groupmates and let them guess “true or false”. 15.Find mistakes in the sentences. Some sentences are correct. 1) We are particularly interested in other people‘s face language. 2) Judgements of political candidates‘ faces in just one second predict 70% of Senate race outcomes. 3) Emoticons used well in offline negotiations can lead you to claim more value from that negotiation. 4) When we feel powerless, we close up, we wrap ourselves up, we make ourselves big. 5) Law schools have been troubling with the gender grade gap. 6) Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us but they don‘t govern how we think and feel about ourselves. 7) Powerful people tend to be more confident, more optimistic. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly and they are ready to take less risks. 8) Power is about how you react to news. 9) When you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerless. 10) Our bodies can change our minds, and our minds can change our wishes, and our wishes can change our outcomes. 11) You shouldn‘t fake it until you make it, you should fake it until you become it. SPEAKING 16. Why did the speaker say it? What did she imply? 1) ―A handshake or a lack of a handshake can have us talking for weeks and weeks‖ 2) ―In the animal kingdom it is about expend- ing, so you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space‖ 3) ―So I am watching this behavior in the classroom‖ 4) ― Women are much more likely to do this kind of thing than men‖ 5) ―I am not supposed to be here‖ 6) ―I worked and worked and worked and I got lucky and worked‖ 7) ―Fake it till you become it‖