48 18. Work in pairs. Try to think of: a. two types of bacteria that are not harmful to humans. b. two things that might be harmful to lungs. c. two kinds of medications a doctor might prescribe a patient. d. two medical procedures that cause no pain . e. two other food products some people are allergic to . f. two other things that can destroy brain cells . g. two respiratory diseases that people are most commonly treated for . WRITING 19. Writing a biography. Think of a Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. An- swer the questions below and use your answers to write a short biography of the person. 1. General information a) Who is the famous person? b) What area of life are they famous for? c) What are they famous for? 2. Childhood, studies a) Where were they born? b) When were they born? c) What did their parents do? d) What kind of childhood did they have? e) Where did they study? What did they study? 3. Becoming famous a) What were the most important events in their life? b) When did they first become well known? c) What discoveries did they make? d) When did they receive the Noble prize in Medicine and Physiology? 4. Later life a) When did they die? b) Where did they die? c) How are they remembered today? 5. Your feelings about the person a) What are your feelings about the person? e.g. do you admire them, feel sorry for them, find their ideas ingenious, etc. b) Why do you feel this way about them? c) What do you feel were the most important things they did?