55 3. Work in pairs. Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Read the text and check your ides. 1) Edward Jenner was the first to inoculate people against smallpox. 2) Louis Pasteur proved that some diseases are caused by microor- ganisms. 3) X-ray was discovered by a German physician. 4) Some diseases are caused by vitamin deficiency. 5) In 1930s insulin was still unknown. 6) Insulin controls the amount of blood sugar in the body. 7) Before World War II there was no antibiotic available. 8) DNA was discovered by a Swedish researcher. 9) HIV was discovered by a team of scientists from one country. 10) HIV can develop into AIDS. THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES IN MEDICINE Here are one of the greatest discoveries in medicine of all time, showing how some medical breakthroughs have revolutionized the world: Vaccination. The first successful vaccine was introduced by English physician Edward Jenner in 1796. He found that by deliberately in- fecting people with cowpox (a disease of cows) he could prevent them from catching smallpox , a serious human disease, and that this was safer than inoculation with smallpox, which had been done previously. Germ Theory. The germ theory states that some diseases are caused by microorganisms. The theory was proved by French chemist Louis Pasteur in the 1860s. In the following decades, German scientist Ro- bert Koch developed Pasteur‘s work and formulated four postulates to es- tablish a causal relationship between a causative agent and a disease. X-ray. German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen is the disco- verer of X-ray which is considered one of the most important discoveries of all-time. X-ray allows us to see inside the human body, without having to perform dangerous surgeries. With the use of the X-ray in medicine, scien- tists have been able to find the causes of many diseases, and how to treat them. Vitamins. In the early 1900s, English biochemist Frederick Hopkins and a few other scientists discovered that some diseases were caused by deficiencies of certain nutrients, later called vitamins. Through feeding experiments with laboratory animals, Hopkins concluded that these ―accessory food factors‖ are essential to health.