56  Insulin. In the 1920s, Canadian researcher Frederick Banting and his colleagues discovered the hormone insulin, which helps balance blood sugar levels in diabetes patients and allows them to live normal lives. Before insulin, diabetes meant a slow and certain death.  Penicillin. The discovery of penicillin (the first antibiotic) by Alexander Fleming in 1928 can be considered to be one of the most impor- tant breakthroughs in the history of medicine. Prior to the discovery of pe- nicillin, death could occur from minor wounds that became infected or from diseases such as strep throat. Then during World War II, penicillin became available. Infections that had frequently caused death became cured after a few days.  DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). The discovery of the DNA was made by the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher. It was first called as a ―nuclein‖ because it resides in the nucleus of a cell. DNA is the blue print of a person because it holds the instructions how to build up some of the components of the other various cells and tissues of the body.  The Human Retrovirus (HIV) . In the 1980s competing scien- tists Robert Gallo (the USA) and Luc Montagnier (France) separately dis- covered a new retrovirus later dubbed HIV (human immunodeficiency vi- rus), and identified it as the causative agent of AIDS (acquired immunodefi- ciency syndrome). Abridged from https://www.healthguidance.org/entry/16851/1/top-10-greatest-medical-discoveries-of-all- time.html 4. Read the story of the doctor who was dispatched to fight the COVID-19 outbreak. Then, choose the correct answer. 1. The doctor felt pressed because A. he had 30 years of experience. B. the epidemic was severe. C. he had to work in Huangshi. 2. The hospitals didn‘t have enough A. patients. B. water and food. C. protective materials. 3. Doctors renovated the hospitals to А. get more beds for the patients. В. concentrate critical patients in one place. С. have time to sleep.