58 Appendix Unit IV. Ex. 1. A. Ivan Mikhaylovich Sechenov (1829–1905), father of Russian physiology and researcher in psychology. B. Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov (1810–1881), one of the most widely recog- nized Russian physicians, surgeon, the founder of field surgery, medical scientist. C. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845–1916), a Russian-French zoologist best known for his pioneering research in immunology, the first to discover a process of immunity called phagocytosis. D. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936), a Russian experimental neurolo- gist, psychologist and physiologist best known for his dog, Pavlov's dog. He performed experiments on digestion and studied reflexes. Unit IV. Ex. 7. Student B. ROBERT KOCH: ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF MICROBIOLOGY In the 19th century, diseases like tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria and wound infections were the most common cause of death worldwide. In Germany alone, (how many?)________________________ ___ people died of them every year. This was the time when the doctor, Robert Koch, discovered that diseas- es of this kind were caused by tiny organisms – bacteria. Robert Koch was born in Ger- many on 11 December 18_____. He was the third of 13 children. He at- tended the university of Göttingen, where he studied ___________________ for one semester and then changed to medicine. He graduated from the university in 1866.